X Author: Travis Walter
Walter, Travis, and Michael D Sohn."A regression-based approach to estimating retrofit savings using the Building Performance Database."Applied Energy
179 (2016) 996 - 1005. DOI
Berger, Michael A, Paul A Mathew, and Travis Walter."Big Data Analytics in the Building Industry."ASHRAE Journal
(2016) 38-45.
Mathew, Paul A, Laurel N Dunn, Michael D Sohn, Andrea C Mercado, Claudine Custudio, and Travis Walter."Big-data for building energy performance: Lessons from assembling a very large national database of building energy use."Applied Energy
140 (2015) 85 - 93. DOI
Walter, Travis, Phillip N Price, and Michael D Sohn."Uncertainty estimation improves energy measurement and verification procedures."Applied Energy
130 (2014) 230 - 236. DOI
Brown, Richard E, Travis Walter, Laurel N Dunn, Claudine Y Custodio, and Paul A Mathew."Getting Real with Energy Data: Using the Buildings Performance Database to Support Data-Driven Analyses and Decision-Making."
Walter, Travis, David M Lorenzetti, and Michael D Sohn."Siting Samplers to Minimize Expected Time to Detection."Risk Analysis
32.12 (2012) 2032 - 2042. DOI