X Author: Yves C Bonnefous
Riley, William J, Ashok J Gadgil, Yves C Bonnefous, and William W Nazaroff."The Effect of Steady Winds on Radon Entry into Houses."Atmospheric Environment
30 (1996) 1167-1176.
Fisk, William J, Richard J Prill, John D Wooley, William J Fisk, Yves C Bonnefous, Ashok J Gadgil, and William J Riley."New Methods of Energy Efficient Radon Mitigation."Health Physics
68.5 (1995) 689-698.
Gadgil, Ashok J, Yves C Bonnefous, and William J Fisk."Relative Effectiveness of Sub-slab Pressurization and Depressurization Systems for Indoor Radon Mitigation: Studies with an Experimentally Verified Numerical Model."Indoor Air
4.4 (1994) 265 - 275. DOI
Bonnefous, Yves C, Ashok J Gadgil, and William J Fisk."Impact of subslab ventilation technique on residential ventilation rate and energy costs."Energy and Buildings
21.1 (1994) 15 - 22. DOI