Publications: Indoor Airflow & Pollutant Transport
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Sohn, Michael D, Michael G Apte, Richard G Sextro, and Alvin C.K Lai."Predicting Size-Resolved Particle Behavior in Multizone Buildings."Atmospheric Environment
41 (2007) 1473 -1482.
Sohn, Michael D, and David M Lorenzetti."Siting Bio-Samplers in Buildings."Risk Analysis
27 (2007) 877-886.
Price, Phillip N, Ashok J Gadgil, and Michael D Sohn."Trade-offs between moving and stationary particle collectors for detecting a bio-agent plume."Atmospheric Environment
41 (2007) 8818-8824.
Sreedharan, Priya, Michael D Sohn, Ashok J Gadgil, and William W Nazaroff."Systems Approach to Evaluating Sensor Characteristics for Real-Time Monitoring of High-Risk Indoor Contaminant Releases."Atmospheric Environment
40.19 (2006) 3490-3502. DOI
Price, Phillip N, Arman Shehabi, Wanyu R Chan, and Ashok J Gadgil."Indoor-Outdoor Air Leakage of Apartments and Commercial Buildings."
Jayaraman, Buvaneswari, Elizabeth U Finlayson, Michael D Sohn, Tracy L Thatcher, Phillip N Price, Emily E Wood, Richard G Sextro, and Ashok J Gadgil."Tracer Gas Transport under Mixed Convection Conditions in an Experimental Atrium: Comparison Between Experiments and CFD Predictions."Atmospheric Environment
40 (2006) 5236-5250.
Sohn, Michael D, Richard G Sextro, and David M Lorenzetti."Assessing Sheltering-In-Place Responses to Outdoor Toxic Releases."10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate - Indoor Air 2005, Sept. 4-9, 2005
2(6) (2005) 1792-1796.
Chan, Wanyu R, William W Nazaroff, Phillip N Price, Michael D Sohn, and Ashok J Gadgil."Analyzing a Database of Residential Air Leakage in the United States."Atmospheric Environment
39.19 (2005) 3445-3455. DOI
Price, Phillip N, Sheng-Chieh Chang, and Michael D Sohn."Characterizing buildings for airflow models: What should we measure?."
Jayaraman, Buvaneswari, David M Lorenzetti, and Ashok J Gadgil."Coupled model for simulation of indoor airflow and pollutant transport."
Apte, Michael G, Lara A Gundel, S. S Katharine Hammond, Raymond L Dod, Marion L Russell, Brett C Singer, Michael D Sohn, Douglas P Sullivan, Gee-Minn Chang, and Richard G Sextro."Indoor measurements of environmental tobacco smoke."
Price, Phillip N, Michael D Sohn, Ashok J Gadgil, William W Delp, David M Lorenzetti, Elizabeth U Finlayson, Tracy L Thatcher, Richard G Sextro, Elisabeth A Derby, and Sondra A Jarvis."Protecting Buildings From a Biological or Chemical Attack: actions to take before or during a release."
Sohn, Michael D, Richard G Sextro, Ashok J Gadgil, and Joan M Daisey."Responding to Sudden Pollutant Releases in Office Buildings: 1. Framework and Analysis Tools."Indoor Air
13 (2003) 267-276.
Bennett, Deborah H, Edwin J Furtaw Jr, and Thomas E McKone."A fugacity-based indoor residential pesticide fate model."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA
1 (2002) 261-266.
Price, Phillip N, William W Delp, Michael D Sohn, Tracy L Thatcher, David M Lorenzetti, Richard G Sextro, Ashok J Gadgil, Elisabeth A Derby, and Sondra A Jarvis."Advice for first responders to a building during a chemical or biological attack."
Lorenzetti, David M."Assessing multizone airflow simulation software."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002, Monterey, CA
1 (2002) 267-271.
Fischer, Marc L, Melissa M Lunden, Tracy L Thatcher, David Littlejohn, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Susanne V Hering, Richard G Sextro, and Nancy J Brown."Building a predictive model of indoor concentrations of outdoor PM-2.5 for a residential research house in Clovis, California."
Lorenzetti, David M."Computational Aspects of Nodal Multizone Airflow Systems."Building and Environment
37 (2002) 1083-1090.
McKone, Thomas E, Tracy L Thatcher, William J Fisk, Richard G Sextro, Michael D Sohn, William W Delp, and William J Riley."Factors affecting the concentration of outdoor particles indoors: existing data and data needs."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA
1 (2002) 176-181.
Price, Phillip N, David M Lorenzetti, Ashok J Gadgil, Michael D Sohn, William W Delp, and Sondra A Jarvis."Information for first responders to a chemical or biological attack."
Sextro, Richard G, David M Lorenzetti, Michael D Sohn, and Tracy L Thatcher."Modeling the spread of anthrax in buildings."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA
4 (2002) 506-511.
Federspiel, Clifford C, Huilin Li, David M Auslander, David M Lorenzetti, and Ashok J Gadgil."Modeling Transient Contaminant Transport in HVAC Systems and Buildings."Indoor Air 2002, June 30 - July 5, 2002
(2002) 217-222.
Lorenzetti, David M."Predicting Indoor Pollutant Concentrations, and Applications to Air Quality Management."Proceedings of the Joint WHO-JRC-ECA Workshop on the Role of Human Exposure Assessment in Air Quality Management, Bonn, Germany
Sohn, Michael D, Pamela Reynolds, Navtej Singh, and Ashok J Gadgil."Rapidly locating and characterizing pollutant releases in buildings: An application of Bayesian data analysis."Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association
52.12 (2002) 1422-1432. DOI