Xiaodan Xu
Dr. Xiaodan Xu is a postdoctoral researcher in the Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts (EAEI) Division at Berkeley Lab. She received her Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering and Master’s degree in Statistics from Georgia Institute of Technology in 2019. Her primary research areas include travel demand modeling, freight system modeling, mobile-source emission modeling, and vehicle electrification. She has 10 years of experience in modeling and analyzing transportation systems and assessing the environmental impacts of various transportation technologies and policies. Since joining the lab in 2021, she has been the main contributor to the large-scale freight demand model (SynthFirm), a national-scale geospatial economic model (GEMS), and a national-scale passenger vehicle movement model (NAVIGAT) that supports the assessment of various aspects of transportation systems. Before joining the lab, she worked as a transit system planner intern at the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA), an ORISE fellow at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), and an assistant research scientist at Texas A&M Transportation Institute. She has extensive experience in working with stakeholders from the public, academia, and private sectors. She currently serves as a committee member of the Transportation Research Board Standing Committee on Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation (AMS 10).
Curriculum Vitae
04 CV and Pub List _Xiaodan Xu 040624.pdfEducation
Spot: Haitam Laarabi, Xiaodan Xu, Ling Jin - July 15th 2024
For contributions to a successful proposal to a new funder of great strategic value to the Berkeley Lab Sustainable Transportation Initiative, opening up a whole new domain of work in public health impacts of transportation.