X Author: Agnes B Lobscheid
Logue, Jennifer M, Neil E Klepeis, Agnes B Lobscheid, and Brett C Singer."Pollutant Exposures from Natural Gas Cooking Burners: A Simulation-Based Assessment for Southern California."
(2014). DOI
Mendell, Mark J, Ekaterina Eliseeva, Morris G Davies, Michael Spears, Agnes B Lobscheid, William J Fisk, and Michael G Apte."Association of Classroom Ventilation with Reduced Illness Absence: A Prospective Study in California Elementary Schools."Indoor Air
23.6 (2013) 515-528. DOI
Scown, Corinne D, William W Nazaroff, Umakant Mishra, Bret Strogen, Agnes B Lobscheid, Eric R Masanet, Nicholas J Santero, Arpad Horvath, and Thomas E McKone."Lifecycle greenhouse gas implications of US national scenarios for cellulosic ethanol production."Environmental Research Letters
7.1 (2012) 014011. DOI
Klug, Victoria L, Agnes B Lobscheid, and Brett C Singer."Cooking Appliance Use in California Homes – Data Collected from a Web-Based Survey."
Lobscheid, Agnes B, Neil E Klepeis, and Brett C Singer."Modeling Population Exposures to Pollutants Emitted From Natural Gas Cooking Burners."Proceedings of the The 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate
McKone, Thomas E, William W Nazaroff, Peter Berck, Maximilian Auffhammer, Timothy E Lipman, Margaret S Torn, Eric R Masanet, Agnes B Lobscheid, Nicholas J Santero, Umakant Mishra, Audrey Barrett, Matt Bomberg, Kevin Fingerman, Corinne D Scown, Bret Strogen, and Arpad Horvath."Grand Challenges for Life-Cycle Assessment of Biofuels."Environmental Science & Technology
45.5 (2011) 1751 - 1756. DOI
Lobscheid, Agnes B, Thomas E McKone, and Daniel A Vallero."Exploring relationships between outdoor air particulate-associated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and PM2.5: A case study of benzo(a)pyrene in California metropolitan regions."Atmospheric Environment
41.27 (2007) 5659–5672. DOI
Lobscheid, Agnes B, and Thomas E McKone."Public Health Benefits of End-Use Electrical Energy Efficiency in California."
Lobscheid, Agnes B, and Thomas E McKone."Constraining uncertainties about the sources and magnitude of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)levels in ambient air: the State of Minnesota as a case study."Atmospheric Environment
38 (2004) 5501-5515.