X Author: Charles E Kolb
Canagaratna, Manjula R, Paola Massoli, Eleanor C Browne, Jonathan P Franklin, Kevin R Wilson, Timothy B Onasch, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Edward C Fortner, Charles E Kolb, John T Jayne, Jesse H Kroll, and Douglas R Worsnop."Chemical Compositions of Black Carbon Particle Cores and Coatings via Soot Particle Aerosol Mass Spectrometry with Photoionization and Electron Ionization."The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
119.19 (2015) 4589-4599. DOI
McDonald-Buller, Elena C, David T Allen, Nancy J Brown, Daniel J Jacob, Daniel Jaffe, Charles E Kolb, Allen S Lefohn, Samuel J Oltmans, David D Parrish, Greg Yarwood, and Lin Zhang."Establishing Policy Relevant Background (PRB) Ozone Concentrations in the United States."Environmental Science & Technology
45.22 (2011) 9484 - 9497. DOI