X Author: Jochen Stutz
Ryerson, Thomas B, Arlyn E Andrews, Wayne M Angevine, Timothy S Bates, Charles A Brock, Brian Cairns, Ronald C Cohen, Owen R Cooper, Joost A de Gouw, Fred C Fehsenfeld, Rich A Ferrare, Marc L Fischer, Richard C Flagan, Allen H Goldstein, John W Hair, R. R Michael Hardesty, Chris A Hostetler, Jose L Jimenez, Andrew O Langford, Eileen McCauley, Stuart A McKeen, Luisa T Molina, Athanasios Nenes, Samuel J Oltmans, David D Parrish, James R Pederson, R. R Bradley Pierce, Kimberly A Prather, John H Seinfeld, Christoph J Senff, Armin Sorooshian, Jochen Stutz, Jason D Surratt, Michael K Trainer, Rainer Volkamer, Eric J Williams, and Steven C Wofsy."The 2010 California Research at the Nexus of Air Quality and Climate Change (CalNex) field study."Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
118.11 (2013) 5830-5866. DOI