X Author: Lucia Cancelada
Tang, Xiaochen, Lucia Cancelada, Vi H Rapp, Marion L Russell, Randy L Maddalena, Marta I Litter, Lara A Gundel, and Hugo Destaillats."Emissions from Heated Terpenoids Present in Vaporizable Cannabis Concentrates."Environmental Science and Technology
Cancelada, Lucia, Xiaochen Tang, Marion L Russell, Randy L Maddalena, Marta I Litter, Lara A Gundel, and Hugo Destaillats."Volatile aldehyde emissions from “sub-ohm” vaping devices."Environmental Research
197 (2021). DOI
Meichtry, Jorge M, Lucia Cancelada, Hugo Destaillats, and Marta I Litter."Effect of different gases on the sonochemical Cr(VI) reduction in the presence of citric acid."Chemosphere
260 (2020). DOI
Cancelada, Lucia, Mohamad Sleiman, Xiaochen Tang, Marion L Russell, V Nahuel Montesinos, Marta I Litter, Lara A Gundel, and Hugo Destaillats."Heated Tobacco Products: Volatile Emissions and Their Predicted Impact on Indoor Air Quality."Environmental Science and Technology
53.13 (2019). DOI