X Author: Matthew Macleod
Coll, Claudia, Claudia Lindim, Anna Sobek, Michael D Sohn, and Matthew Macleod."Prospects for finding Junge variability-lifetime relationships for micropollutants in the Danube river."Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts
21.9 (2019) 1489 - 1497. DOI
Cowan-Ellsberry, Christina E, Michael S McLachlan, Jon A Arnot, Matthew Macleod, Thomas E McKone, and Frank Wania."Modeling Exposure to Persistent Chemicals in Hazard and Risk Assessment."Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management (IEAM)
5.4 (2009) 662-679. DOI
Rosenbaum, Ralph K, Till M Bachman, Lois S Gold, Mark Huijbregts, Olivier Jolliet, Ronnie Juraske, Annette Koehler, Henrik F Larsen, Matthew Macleod, Manuele D Margni, Thomas E McKone, Jérôme Payet, Marta Schuhmacher, Dik van de Meent, and Michael Z Hauschild."USEtox - The UNEP-SETAC toxicity model: recommended characterisation factors for human toxicity and freshwater ecotoxicity in Life Cycle Impact Assessment."The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
13.7 (2008) 532-546. DOI
Hauschild, Michael Z, Till M Bachman, Mark Huijbregts, Olivier Jolliet, Annette Kohler, Henrik F Larsen, Manuele D Margni, Thomas E McKone, Matthew Macleod, Dik van de Meent, Marta Schuhmacher, and Ralph K Rosenbaum."International consensus model for comparative assessment of chemical emissions in LCA."International Academy for Production Engineering 15th International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, March 17-19, 2008
(2008) 291-296.
Hauschild, Michael Z, Mark Huijbregts, Olivier Jolliet, Matthew Macleod, Manuele D Margni, Dik van de Meent, Ralph K Rosenbaum, and Thomas E McKone."Building a model based on scientific consensus for Life Cycle Impact Assessment of Chemicals: the Search for Harmony and Parsimony."Environmental Science and Technology
42 (2008) 7032-7037.
Wiberg, Karin, Annika Aberg, Thomas E McKone, Mats Tysklind, Annika Hanberg, and Matthew Macleod."Model selection and evaluation for risk assessment of dioxin contaminated sites."Ambio
36 (2008) 458-466.
Maddalena, Randy L, Matthew Macleod, and Thomas E McKone."Plant Uptake of Organic Pollutants from Soil: Model Performance Evaluation."Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
26 (2007) 2494–2504.
Macleod, Matthew, Thomas E McKone, and Donald Mackay."A Mass Balance for Mercury in the San Francisco Bay Area."Environmental Science and Technology
39 (2006) 6721-6729.
Maddalena, Randy L, Matthew Macleod, Thomas E McKone, and Michael D Sohn."Prospective Hazard Assessment and Sensitivity Analysis for Buckminsterfullerene in the Environment."
Macleod, Matthew, William J Riley, and Thomas E McKone."Assessing the Influence of Climate Variability on Atmospheric Concentrations of Persistent Organic Pollutants Using a Global-Scale Mass Balance Model (BETR-Global)."Environmental Science & Technology
39 (2005) 6749-6756.
Macleod, Matthew, Thomas E McKone, Kathrin Fenner, Martin Scheringer, Michael Matthies, Maximilian Stroebe, Andreas Beyer, Mark Bonnell, Anne Christine Le Gall, Jörg Klasmeier, Donald Mackay, Dik van de Meent, David Pennington, Bernd Scharenberg, Noriyuki Suzuki, and Frank Wania."Comparing estimates of persistence and long-range transport potential among multimedia models."Environmental Science & Technology
39 (2005) 1932 -1942. DOI
Macleod, Matthew, and Thomas E McKone."Identifying POP-Like Behavior in Screening Assessments of Organic Chemicals."Environmental Science & Technology
40 (2005) 53-60.
Macleod, Matthew, William J Riley, and Thomas E McKone."Modeling transport and deposition of level 1 substances to the great lakes."
Macleod, Matthew, Deborah H Bennett, Merike Perem, Randy L Maddalena, Thomas E McKone, and Donald Mackay."Dependence of Intake Fraction on Release Location in a Multimedia Framework - A Case Study of Four Contaminants in North America."Journal of Industrial Ecology
8.3 (2004) 89-102. DOI
Fenner, Kathrin, Matthew Macleod, Maximilian Stroebe, Andreas Beyer, Martin Scheringer, Claudia Pahl-Wostl, Sonja Schmidt, Andrea E Rizzoli, and Anthony J Jakeman."Relative importance of model and parameter uncertainty in models used for prediction of persistence and long-range transport potential of chemical pollutants."2nd Biennial Meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society
3 (2004) 1229-1234.
Toose, Liisa, David G Woodfine, Matthew Macleod, Donald Mackay, and Jennifer Gouin."BETR-World: a geographically explicit model of chemical fate: application to transport of α-HCH to the Arctic."Environmental Pollution
128.1-2 (2004) 223-240. DOI
Prevedouros, Konstantinos, Matthew Macleod, Kevin C Jones, and Andrew J Sweetman."Modelling the fate of persistent organic pollutants in Europe: Parameterisation of a gridded distribution model."Environmental Pollution
128 (2004) 251-261. DOI
Macleod, Matthew, Thomas E McKone, Karen L Foster, Randy L Maddalena, Thomas F Parkerton, and Donald Mackay."Applications of contaminant fate and bioaccumulation models in assessing ecological risks of chemicals: A case study for gasoline hydrocarbons."Environmental Science & Technology
38.23 (2004) 6225 -6233. DOI
Macleod, Matthew, and Donald Mackay."Modeling transport and deposition of contaminants to ecosystems of concern: A case study for the Laurentian Great Lakes."Environmental Pollution
128 (2004) 241-250.
Macleod, Matthew."Overall multi-media persistence as an indicator of potential for population-level intake of environmental contaminants."Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
23 (2004) 2465-2472.
Macleod, Matthew."On the influence of forests on the overall fate of semivolatile organic contaminants."Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
17 (2003) 256-259.
McKone, Thomas E, and Matthew Macleod."Tracking Multiple Pathways of Human Exposure to Persistent Multimedia Pollutants: Regional, Continental, and Global Scale Models."Annual Review of Environment and Resources
28 (2003) 11.
Macleod, Matthew, David G Woodfine, Donald Mackay, Thomas E McKone, Deborah H Bennett, and Randy L Maddalena."BETR North America: A regionally segmented multimedia contaminant fate model for North America."Environmental Science & Pollution Research
8 (2001) 156-163.