X Author: Ralf Bennartz
Ban-Weiss, George A, Ling Jin, Susanne E Bauer, Ralf Bennartz, Xiaohong Liu, Kai Zhang, Yi Ming, Huan Guo, and Jonathan H Jiang."Evaluating clouds, aerosols, and their interactions in three global climate models using satellite simulators and observations."Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
119.18 (2014) 10,876-10,901. DOI
Menon, Surabi, Anthony Del Genio, Yoram Kaufman, Ralf Bennartz, Dorothy M Koch, Norman Loeb, and Daniel Orlikowski."Analyzing signatures of aerosol-cloud interactions from satellite retrievals and the GISS GCM to constrain the aerosol indirect effect."Journal of Geophysical Research
113.D14 (2008) 1-15. DOI