Publications: Air Quality & Climate Modeling
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Jeong, Seongeun, Sofia D Hamilton, Matthew S Johnson, Dien Wu, Alexander J Turner, and Marc L Fischer."Applying Gaussian Process Machine Learning and Modern Probabilistic Programming to Satellite Data to Infer CO2 Emissions."Environmental Science & Technology
Guo, Wenxuan, Z Hu, Ling Jin, Yanyan Xu, and Marta C González."DeepAir: Deep learning and satellite imagery to estimate high-resolution PM2.5 at scale."Machine Learning: Science and Technology
(2025). DOI
McNeil, Wilson H, Fan Tong, Robert A Harley, Maximilian Auffhammer, and Corinne D Scown."Corridor-Level Impacts of Battery-Electric Heavy-Duty Trucks and the Effects of Policy in the United States."Environmental Science & Technology
58.1 (2024) 33 - 42. DOI
Hamilton, Sofia D, Dien Wu, Matthew S Johnson, Alexander J Turner, Marc L Fischer, Nikhil Dadheech, and Seongeun Jeong."Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Two California Cities Using Bayesian Inversion and Satellite Measurements."Geophysical Research Letters
51.20 (2024). DOI
Maasakkers, Joannes D, Erine E McDuffie, Melissa P Sulprizio, Candice Chen, Maggie Schultz, Lily Brunelle, Ryan Thrush, John Steller, Christopher Sherry, Daniel J Jacob, Seongeun Jeong, Bill Irving, and Melissa Weitz."A Gridded Inventory of Annual 2012–2018 U.S. Anthropogenic Methane Emissions."Environmental Science & Technology
57.43 (2023) 16276 - 16288. DOI
Wang, Yuhan, Lucas A.J Bastien, Ling Jin, and Robert A Harley."Location-Specific Control of Precursor Emissions to Mitigate Photochemical Air Pollution."Environmental Science & Technology
57.26 (2023) 9693 - 9701. DOI
Wang, Yuhan, Lucas A.J Bastien, Ling Jin, and Robert A Harley."Responses of Photochemical Air Pollution in California’s San Joaquin Valley to Spatially and Temporally Resolved Changes in Precursor Emissions."Environmental Science & Technology
56.11 (2022) 7074 - 7082. DOI
Vlachogiannis, Dimitrios M, Yanyan Xu, Ling Jin, and Marta C González."Correlation networks of air particulate matter (PM2.5): a comparative study."Applied Network Science
6.1 (2021). DOI
Huang, Lin, Jinjin Sun, Ling Jin, Nancy J Brown, and Jianlin Hu."Strategies to reduce PM2.5 and O3 together during late summer and early fall in San Joaquin Valley, California."Atmospheric Research
(2021) 105633. DOI
Lebel, Eric D, Harmony S Lu, Lisa Vielstädte, Mary Kang, Peter Banner, Marc L Fischer, and Robert B Jackson."Methane Emissions from Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells in California."Environmental Science & Technology
(2020). DOI
Fischer, Marc L, Eric D Lebel, and Robert B Jackson."Quantifying Methane from California’s Plugged and Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells."
Less, Brennan, Iain S Walker, David M Lorenzetti, Evan Mills, Vi H Rapp, Spencer M Dutton, Michael D Sohn, Xiwang Li, Jordan D Clark, and Max H Sherman."Smart Ventilation for Advanced California Homes."
Guha, Abhinav, Sally Newman, David Fairley, Tan M Dinh, Linda Duca, Stephen C Conley, Mackenzie L Smith, Andrew K Thorpe, Riley Duren, Daniel H Cusworth, Kelsey T Foster, Marc L Fischer, Seongeun Jeong, Nazli Yesiller, James L Hanson, and Philip T Martien."Assessment of Regional Methane Emission Inventories through Airborne Quantification in the San Francisco Bay AreaAssessment of Regional Methane Emission Inventories through Airborne Quantification in the San Francisco Bay Area."Environmental Science & Technology
54.15 (2020) 9254 - 9264. DOI
Thorpe, Andrew K, Riley Duren, Stephen A Conley, Kuldeep R Prasad, Brian De. Bue, Vineet Yadav, Kelsey T Foster, Talha Rafiq, Francesca M Hopkins, Mackenzie L Smith, Marc L Fischer, David R Thompson, C Frankenberg, Ian B McCubbin, Michael L Eastwood, Robert O Green, and Charles E Miller."Methane emissions from underground gas storage in California."Environmental Research Letters
15.4 (2020) 045005. DOI
Leifer, Ira, Christopher Melton, Robert Chatfield, Xinguang Cui, Marc L Fischer, Matthew Fladeland, Warren Gore, Dennis L Hlavka, Laura T Iraci, Jocette E Marrero, Ju-Mee Ryoo, Tomoaki Tanaka, Emma L Yates, and John E Yorks."Air pollution inputs to the Mojave Desert by fusing surface mobile and airborne in situ and airborne and satellite remote sensing: A case study of interbasin transport with numerical model validation."Atmospheric Environment
224 (2020) 117184. DOI
Jin, Ling, Corinne D Scown, Tin Ho, Tyler Huntington, and Wei Zhou."Smelly-Odor Webtool (Smelly) v1."
(2020). DOI
Sohn, Michael D, William W Delp, Richard N Fry, and Yang-Seon Kim."Analysis of a series of urban-scale chlorine dispersion experiments and implications on indoor health consequences."Atmospheric Environment
212 (2019) 83 - 89. DOI
Shah, Nihar, Max Wei, Virginie E Letschert, and Amol A Phadke."Benefits of Energy Efficient and Low-Global Warming Potential Refrigerant Cooling Equipment."
(2019) 59.
Coll, Claudia, Claudia Lindim, Anna Sobek, Michael D Sohn, and Matthew Macleod."Prospects for finding Junge variability-lifetime relationships for micropollutants in the Danube river."Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts
21.9 (2019) 1489 - 1497. DOI
Preble, Chelsea V, Troy Cados, Robert A Harley, and Thomas W Kirchstetter."In-Use Performance and Durability of Particle Filters on Heavy-Duty Diesel Trucks."Environmental Science Technology
52.20 (2018) 11913-11921. DOI
Millstein, Dev, Joshua Solomon-Culp, Meina Wang, Paul Ullrich, and Craig Collier."Wind energy variability and links to regional and synoptic scale weather."Climate Dynamics
(2018). DOI
Caubel, Julien J, Troy Cados, and Thomas W Kirchstetter."A New Black Carbon Sensor for Dense Air Quality Monitoring Networks."Sensors
18.3 (2018) 738. DOI
Mohegh, Arash, Pablo J Rosado, Ling Jin, Dev Millstein, Ronnen M Levinson, and George A Ban-Weiss."Modeling the climate impacts of deploying solar reflective cool pavements in California cities."Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
122.13 (2017) 6798 - 6817. DOI
Shah, Nihar, Max Wei, Virginie E Letschert, and Amol A Phadke."Benefits of Leapfrogging to Superefficiency and Low Global Warming Potential Refrigerants in Room Air Conditioning."
Ban-Weiss, George A, Ling Jin, Susanne E Bauer, Ralf Bennartz, Xiaohong Liu, Kai Zhang, Yi Ming, Huan Guo, and Jonathan H Jiang."Evaluating clouds, aerosols, and their interactions in three global climate models using satellite simulators and observations."Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
119.18 (2014) 10,876-10,901. DOI