Publications: IAQ Science
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Delp, William W, Brennan Less, Haoran Zhao, Spencer M Dutton, Wanyu R Chan, and Brett C Singer."Simulation-Based Analysis of Impacts of Reduced Envelope and Duct Air Leakage on Indoor Air Pollutant Concentrations in Occupied Manufactured Homes."
de Mesquita, P. Jacob Bueno, William W Delp, Wanyu R Chan, William P Bahnfleth, and Brett C Singer."Control of airborne infectious disease in buildings: evidence and research priorities."Indoor Air
(2021). DOI
Singer, Brett C, Haoran Zhao, Chelsea V Preble, William W Delp, Jovan Pantelic, Michael D Sohn, and Thomas W Kirchstetter."Measured Influence of Overhead HVAC on Exposure to Airborne Contaminants from Simulated Speaking in a Meeting and a Classroom."Indoor Air
(2021). DOI
Fisk, William J, Brett C Singer, and Wanyu R Chan."Association of Residential Energy Efficiency Retrofits with Indoor Environmental Quality, Comfort, and Health: A Review of Empirical Data."Building and Environment
(2020). DOI
Fisk, William J, Wanyu R Chan, and Alexandra L Johnson."Does Dampness and Mold in Schools affect Health? Results of a Meta-Analysis."Indoor Air
2019 (2019). DOI
Fisk, William J."The Ventilation Problem in Schools: Literature Review."Indoor Air
27.6 (2017) 1039-1051. DOI
Fisk, William J, and Wanyu R Chan."Effectiveness and cost of reducing particle-related mortality with particle filtration."Indoor Air
(2017). DOI
Fisk, William J, and Wanyu R Chan."Health benefits and costs of filtration interventions that reduce indoor exposure to PM2.5 during wildfires."Indoor Air
27.1 (2016) 191 - 204. DOI
Fisk, William J, Jerome A Paulson, Lloyd J Kolbe, and Claire L Barnett."Significance of the School Physical Environment - A Commentary."Journal of School Health
(2016) 483 - 487. DOI
Fisk, William J."Review of Some Effects of Climate Change on Indoor Environmental Quality and Health and Associated No-Regrets Mitigation Measures."Building and Environment
86 (2015) 70-80. DOI
Fisk, William J, Douglas R Black, and Gregory Brunner."Changing Ventilation Rates in U.S. Offices: Implications for Health, Work Performance, Energy, and Associated Economics."Building and Environment
47 (2012) 368-372. DOI
Fisk, William J, Douglas R Black, and Gregory Brunner."Benefits and costs of improved IEQ in offices."Indoor Air
21.3 (2011) 357–367. DOI
Fisk, William J, Ekaterina Eliseeva, and Mark J Mendell."Association of residential dampness and mold with respiratory tract infections and bronchitis: a meta analysis."Environmental Health
9.72 (2010).
Fisk, William J, Anna G Mirer, and Mark J Mendell."Quantitative relationship of sick building syndrome symptoms with ventilation rates."Indoor Air
19 (2009) 159-165.
Mendell, Mark J, Quanhong Lei-Gomez, Anna G Mirer, Olli Seppänen, and Gregory Brunner."Risk factors in heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems for occupant symptoms in U.S. office buildings: the U.S. EPA BASE study."Indoor Air
18 (2008) 1.2, 1.7.
Mendell, Mark J."Indoor residential chemical emissions as risk factors for respiratory and allergic effects in children: A Review."Indoor Air
17.4 (2007) 18. DOI
Mudarri, David, and William J Fisk."Public health and economic impact of dampness and mold."Indoor Air
17.3 (2007) 226-235. DOI
Fisk, William J, Quanhong Lei-Gomez, and Mark J Mendell."Meta-Analyses of the Associations of Respiratory Health Effects with Dampness and Mold in Homes."Indoor Air
17 (2007) 284-96. DOI
Fisk, William J, and Olli Seppänen."Providing better indoor environmental quality brings economic benefits."REHVA World Congress - CLIMA 2007
Seppänen, Olli, William J Fisk, and Quanhong Lei-Gomez."Ventilation and Work Performance in office work."Indoor Air
16 (2006) 28-36. DOI
Mendell, Mark J, and Garvin A Heath."Do Indoor Pollutants and Thermal Conditions in Schools Influence Student Performance? A Critical Review of the Literature."Indoor Air 2005
15 (2005) 27-52. DOI
Fisk, William J, John D Spengler, Jonathan M Samet, and John F McCarthy."Estimates of Potential Nationwide Productivity and Health Benefits From Better Indoor Environments: An Update."Indoor Air Quality Handbook