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Fisk, William J, Wanyu R Chan, and Alexandra L Johnson."Does Dampness and Mold in Schools affect Health? Results of a Meta-Analysis."Indoor Air
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Coll, Claudia, Claudia Lindim, Anna Sobek, Michael D Sohn, and Matthew Macleod."Prospects for finding Junge variability-lifetime relationships for micropollutants in the Danube river."Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts
21.9 (2019) 1489 - 1497. DOI
Caubel, Julien J, Troy Cados, Chelsea V Preble, and Thomas W Kirchstetter."A Distributed Network of 100 Black Carbon Sensors for 100 Days of Air Quality Monitoring in West Oakland, California."Environmental Science & Technology
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Aghajanzadeh, Arian, Michael D Sohn, Michael A Berger, and Diana J Bauer."Water-Energy Considerations in Californian’s Agricultural Sector and Opportunities Provide Flexibility to California’s Grid."
Millstein, Dev, James McCall, Jordan Macknick, Scott Nicholson, David Keyser, Seongeun Jeong, and Garvin A Heath."GeoVision Analysis Supporting Task Force Report: Impacts."
Cancelada, Lucia, Mohamad Sleiman, Xiaochen Tang, Marion L Russell, V Nahuel Montesinos, Marta I Litter, Lara A Gundel, and Hugo Destaillats."Heated Tobacco Products: Volatile Emissions and Their Predicted Impact on Indoor Air Quality."Environmental Science and Technology
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Baral, Nawa Raj, Eric R Sundstrom, Lalitendu Das, John M Gladden, Aymerick Eudes, Jenny C Mortimer, Steven W Singer, Aindrila Mukhopadhyay, and Corinne D Scown."Approaches for More Efficient Biological Conversion of Lignocellulosic Feedstocks to Biofuels and Bioproducts."ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
7.10 (2019) 9062 - 9079. DOI
Browne, Eleanor C, Xiaolu Zhang, Jonathan P Franklin, Kelsey J Ridley, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Kevin R Wilson, Christopher D Cappa, and Jesse H Kroll."Effect of heterogeneous oxidative aging on light absorption by biomass burning organic aerosol."Aerosol Science and Technology
53.6 (2019) 663 - 674. DOI
Less, Brennan, Spencer M Dutton, Iain S Walker, Max H Sherman, and Jordan D Clark."Energy savings with outdoor temperature-based smart ventilation control strategies in advanced California homes."Energy and Buildings
194 (2019) 317 - 327. DOI
Sheppard, Colin, Gordon S Bauer, Brian F Gerke, Jeffery B Greenblatt, Alan T Jenn, and Anand R Gopal."Joint Optimization Scheme for the Planning and Operations of Shared Autonomous Electric Vehicle Fleets Serving Mobility on Demand."Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
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Levinson, Ronnen M, George A Ban-Weiss, Paul Berdahl, Sharon S Chen, Hugo Destaillats, Nathalie Dumas, Haley E Gilbert, Howdy Goudey, Sébastien Houzé de l’Aulnoit, Jan Kleissl, Benjamin Kurtz, Yun Li, Yan Long, Arash Mohegh, Negin Nazarian, Matteo Pizzicotti, Pablo J Rosado, Marion L Russell, Jonathan L Slack, Xiaochen Tang, Jiachen Zhang, and Weilong Zhang."Solar-Reflective “Cool” Walls: Benefits, Technologies, and Implementation."
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Wei, Max, Shuba V Raghavan, and Patricia Hidalgo-Gonzalez."Building a Healthier and More Robust Future: 2050 Low-Carbon Energy Scenarios for California."
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Sun, T, L Liu, M G Flanner, Thomas W Kirchstetter, C Jiao, Chelsea V Preble, W L Chang, and T C Bond."Constraining a Historical Black Carbon Emission Inventory of the United States for 1960–2000."Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
124.7 (2019) 4004 - 4025. DOI
Clark, Jordan D, Brennan Less, Spencer M Dutton, Iain S Walker, and Max H Sherman."Efficacy of occupancy-based smart ventilation control strategies in energy-efficient homes in the United States."Building and Environment
156 (2019) 253 - 267. DOI
Lazar, Alina, Ling Jin, C Anna Spurlock, Kesheng Wu, Alex Sim, and Annika Todd-Blick."Evaluating the Effects of Missing Values and Mixed Data Types on Social Sequence Clustering Using t-SNE Visualization."Journal of Data and Information Quality
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Martinez‐Hernandez, Elias, Xinguang Cui, Corinne D Scown, Myriam A Amezcua‐Allieri, Jorge Aburto, and Blake A Simmons."Techno‐economic and greenhouse gas analyses of lignin valorization to eugenol and phenolic products in integrated ethanol biorefineries."Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining
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Baral, Nawa Raj, Olga Kavvada, Daniel Mendez-Perez, Aindrila Mukhopadhyay, Taek Soon Lee, Blake A Simmons, and Corinne D Scown."Techno-economic analysis and life-cycle greenhouse gas mitigation cost of five routes to bio-jet fuel blendstocks."Energy & Environmental Science
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Walker, Iain S, William W Delp, and Brett C Singer."Are low-cost sensors good enough for IAQ controls?."Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations (REHVA) Journal
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Cui, Xinguang, Sally Newman, Xiaomei Xu, Arlyn E Andrews, John Miller, Scott J Lehman, Seongeun Jeong, Jingsong Zhang, Chad Priest, Mixtli Campos-Pineda, Kevin R Gurney, Heather Graven, John Southon, and Marc L Fischer."Atmospheric observation-based estimation of fossil fuel CO2 emissions from regions of central and southern California."Science of The Total Environment
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Spurlock, C Anna, James Sears, Gabrielle Wong-Parodi, Victor Walker, Ling Jin, Margaret Taylor, Andrew Duvall, Anand R Gopal, and Annika Todd-Blick."Describing the users: Understanding adoption of and interest in shared, electrified, and automated transportation in the San Francisco Bay Area."Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
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Dunn, Laurel N, Michael D Sohn, Kristina Hamachi LaCommare, and Joseph H Eto."Exploratory analysis of high-resolution power interruption data reveals spatial and temporal heterogeneity in electric grid reliability."Energy Policy
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Mills, Evan, Norman Bourassa, Leo Rainer, Jimmy Mai, Arman Shehabi, and Nathaniel Mills."Toward Greener Gaming: Estimating National Energy Use and Energy Efficiency Potential."The Computer Games Journal
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Wenzel, Thomas P, Clement Rames, Eleftheria Kontou, and Alejandro Henao."Travel and energy implications of ridesourcing service in Austin, Texas."Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
70 (2019) 18 - 34. DOI