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Wiser, Ryan H, Mark Bolinger, Ben Hoen, Dev Millstein, Joseph Rand, Galen L Barbose, Naïm R Darghouth, Will Gorman, Seongeun Jeong, Andrew D Mills, and Bentham Paulos."Wind Energy Technology Data Update: 2020 Edition."
Wiser, Ryan H, Mark Bolinger, Will Gorman, Joseph Rand, Seongeun Jeong, Joachim Seel, Cody Warner, and Bentham Paulos."Hybrid Power Plants: Status of Installed and Proposed Projects."
Gerke, Brian F, Giulia Gallo, Sarah Josephine Smith, Jingjing Liu, Shuba V Raghavan, Peter Schwartz, Mary Ann Piette, Rongxin Yin, and Sofia Stensson."The California Demand Response Potential Study, Phase 3: Final Report on the Shift Resource through 2030."
(2020). DOI
Wiser, Ryan H, Dev Millstein, Mark Bolinger, Seongeun Jeong, and Andrew D Mills."The hidden value of large-rotor, tall-tower wind turbines in the United States."Wind Engineering
(2020). DOI
Hamilton, Sofia D, Dev Millstein, Mark Bolinger, Ryan H Wiser, and Seongeun Jeong."How Does Wind Project Performance Change with Age in the United States?."Joule
4 (2020) 1-17. DOI
Wang, Meina, Paul Ullrich, and Dev Millstein."Future projections of wind patterns in California with the variable-resolution CESM: a clustering analysis approach."Climate Dynamics
54.3-4 (2020) 2511 - 2531. DOI
Szinai, Julia, Colin Sheppard, Nikit Abhyankar, and Anand R Gopal."Reduced grid operating costs and renewable energy curtailment with electric vehicle charge management."Energy Policy
(2019) 111051. DOI
Sheppard, Colin, Julia Szinai, Nikit Abhyankar, and Anand R Gopal."Grid Impacts of Electric Vehicles and Managed Charging in California."
Todd-Blick, Annika, Peter Cappers, C Anna Spurlock, and Ling Jin."Spillover as a cause of bias in baseline evaluation methods for demand response programs."Applied Energy
250 (2019) 344 - 357. DOI
Shah, Nihar, Max Wei, Virginie E Letschert, and Amol A Phadke."Benefits of Energy Efficient and Low-Global Warming Potential Refrigerant Cooling Equipment."
(2019) 59.
Millstein, Dev, James McCall, Jordan Macknick, Scott Nicholson, David Keyser, Seongeun Jeong, and Garvin A Heath."GeoVision Analysis Supporting Task Force Report: Impacts."
Lazar, Alina, Ling Jin, C Anna Spurlock, Kesheng Wu, Alex Sim, and Annika Todd-Blick."Evaluating the Effects of Missing Values and Mixed Data Types on Social Sequence Clustering Using t-SNE Visualization."Journal of Data and Information Quality
11.2 (2019) 1 - 22. DOI
Spurlock, C Anna, James Sears, Gabrielle Wong-Parodi, Victor Walker, Ling Jin, Margaret Taylor, Andrew Duvall, Anand R Gopal, and Annika Todd-Blick."Describing the users: Understanding adoption of and interest in shared, electrified, and automated transportation in the San Francisco Bay Area."Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
71 (2019) 283-301. DOI
Dunn, Laurel N, Michael D Sohn, Kristina Hamachi LaCommare, and Joseph H Eto."Exploratory analysis of high-resolution power interruption data reveals spatial and temporal heterogeneity in electric grid reliability."Energy Policy
129 (2019) 206 - 214. DOI
Satchwell, Andrew, Corinne D Scown, Sarah Josephine Smith, Jahon Amirebrahimi, Ling Jin, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Nancy J Brown, and Chelsea V Preble."Accelerating the Deployment of Anaerobic Digestion to Meet Zero Waste Goals."Environmental Science & Technology
52.23 (2018) 13663–13669. DOI
Millstein, Dev, Joshua Solomon-Culp, Meina Wang, Paul Ullrich, and Craig Collier."Wind energy variability and links to regional and synoptic scale weather."Climate Dynamics
(2018). DOI
Schwartz, Lisa C, Max Wei, William R Morrow III, Jeff Deason, Steven R Schiller, Greg Leventis, Sarah Josephine Smith, Woei Ling Leow, Todd Levin, Steven Plotkin, Yan Zhou, and Joseph Teng."Electricity end uses, energy efficiency, and distributed energy resources baseline."
Cappers, Peter, C Anna Spurlock, Annika Todd-Blick, and Ling Jin."Experiences of Vulnerable Residential Customer Subpopulations with Critical Peak Pricing."
Jin, Ling, C Anna Spurlock, Sam Borgeson, Daniel Fredman, Liesel Hans, Siddharth Patel, and Annika Todd-Blick."Load Shape Clustering Using Residential Smart Meter Data: a Technical Memorandum."
Spurlock, C Anna, Peter Cappers, Ling Jin, Annika Todd-Blick, and Patrick Baylis."Go for the Silver? Evidence from field studies quantifying the difference in evaluation results between “gold standard” randomized controlled trial methods versus quasi-experimental methods."2016 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Patel, Siddharth, Sam Borgeson, Ram Rajagopal, C Anna Spurlock, Ling Jin, and Annika Todd-Blick."Time Will Tell: Using Smart Meter Time Series Data to Derive Household Features and Explain Heter ogeneity in Pricing Programs."2016 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Shah, Nihar, Max Wei, Virginie E Letschert, and Amol A Phadke."Benefits of Leapfrogging to Superefficiency and Low Global Warming Potential Refrigerants in Room Air Conditioning."
Ma, Ookie, Nasr Alkadi, Peter Cappers, Paul Denholm, Junqiao Han Dudley, Sasank Goli, Marissa Hummon, Sila Kiliccote, Jason S MacDonald, Nance Matson, Daniel Olsen, Cody Rose, Michael D Sohn, Michael Starke, Brendan J Kirby, and Mark O'Malley."Demand Response for Ancillary Services."IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid
4 (2013).
Gadgil, Ashok J, David Fridley, Nina Zheng, Andree Sosler, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Amol A Phadke, and Nina Khanna."Using Energy Efficiency and Producing it Renewably."Physics of Sustainable Energy II: Using Energy Efficiency and Producing it Renewably
1401 (2011) 54-74. DOI