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Seppänen, Olli, and William J Fisk."Some quantitative relations between Indoor environmental quality and work performance or health."International Journal of HVAC&R Research
12 (2006) 957-973.
Jayaraman, Buvaneswari, Elizabeth U Finlayson, Michael D Sohn, Tracy L Thatcher, Phillip N Price, Emily E Wood, Richard G Sextro, and Ashok J Gadgil."Tracer Gas Transport under Mixed Convection Conditions in an Experimental Atrium: Comparison Between Experiments and CFD Predictions."Atmospheric Environment
40 (2006) 5236-5250.
Seppänen, Olli, William J Fisk, and Quanhong Lei-Gomez."Ventilation and Work Performance in office work."Indoor Air
16 (2006) 28-36. DOI
Shaughnessy, Richard J, and Richard G Sextro."What is an Effective Air Cleaning Device? A Review."Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
3.4 (2006) 169-181. DOI
Sohn, Michael D, Richard G Sextro, and David M Lorenzetti."Assessing Sheltering-In-Place Responses to Outdoor Toxic Releases."10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate - Indoor Air 2005, Sept. 4-9, 2005
2(6) (2005) 1792-1796.
Chan, Wanyu R, William W Nazaroff, Phillip N Price, Michael D Sohn, and Ashok J Gadgil."Analyzing a database of residential air leakage in the United States."Atmospheric Environment
39.19 (2005) 3445 - 3455. DOI
Chan, Wanyu R, William W Nazaroff, Phillip N Price, Michael D Sohn, and Ashok J Gadgil."Analyzing a Database of Residential Air Leakage in the United States."Atmospheric Environment
39.19 (2005) 3445-3455. DOI
Fulkerson, William, Mark D Levine, Jonathan E Sinton, and Ashok J Gadgil."Sustainable, efficient electricity service for one billion people."Energy for Sustainable Development
9.2 (2005) 26-34. DOI
Wenzel, Thomas P, and Marc Ross."The effects of vehicle model and driver behavior on risk."Accident Analysis & Prevention
37.3 (2005) 479 - 494. DOI
Sippola, Mark R, and William W Nazaroff."Particle Deposition in Ventilation Ducts: Connectors, Bends and Developing Flow."Aerosol Science and Technology
39.2 (2005) 139-150. DOI
Mendell, Mark J, and Garvin A Heath."Do Indoor Pollutants and Thermal Conditions in Schools Influence Student Performance? A Critical Review of the Literature."Indoor Air 2005
15 (2005) 27-52. DOI
Mendell, Mark J, Quanhong Lei-Gomez, Michael G Apte, William J Fisk, and Quanhong Lei."Estimated Ventilation Rates and Work-Related Symptoms in U.S. Office Buildings - The Base Study."10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate
5(6) (2005) 3758-3762.
Mendell, Mark J, Myrna Cozen, Quanhong Lei-Gomez, Howard S Brightman, Christine A Erdmann, John R Girman, Susan E Womble, and Quanhong Lei."Indicators Of Moisture And Ventilation System Contamination In U.S. Office Buildings as Risk Factors for Respiratory and Mucous Membrane Symptoms: Analyses of the EPA Base Data."10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate
5(6) (2005) 3763-3767.
Seppänen, Olli, and William J Fisk."A model to estimate the cost effectiveness of indoor environment improvements in office work."ASHRAE Transactions
111 (2005) 663-679.
Destaillats, Hugo, Brett C Singer, Sharon K Lee, and Lara A Gundel."Acid-Base Interactions Of Nicotine And Pyridine On Surfaces."Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate - Indoor Air 2005
2(4) (2005) 1700-1704.
Novakov, Tihomir, Surabi Menon, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Dorothy M Koch, and James E Hansen."Aerosol organic carbon to black carbon ratios: Analysis of published data and implications for climate forcing."Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
110.D21 (2005). DOI
Gundel, Lara A, Richard G Sextro, Lev S Ruzer, and Naomi H Harley."Aerosol physics and chemistry: indoor perspective, Chapter 10."Aerosol Handbook: Measurement, Dosimetry and Health Effects
(2005) 189-224.
Magi, Brian I, Peter V Hobbs, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Tihomir Novakov, Dean A Hegg, Song Gao, Jens Redemann, and Beat Schmid."Aerosol properties and chemical apportionment of aerosol optical depth at locations off the US east coast in July and August 2001."Journal of Atmospheric Sciences - Special Issue
62 (2005) 919-933. DOI
Fisk, William J, David Faulkner, and Douglas P Sullivan."An Evaluation Of Three Commercially Available Technologies For Real-Time Measurement Of Rates Of Outdoor Airflow Into Hvac Systems."ASHRAE Transactions
111 (2005) 443-455.
Macleod, Matthew, William J Riley, and Thomas E McKone."Assessing the Influence of Climate Variability on Atmospheric Concentrations of Persistent Organic Pollutants Using a Global-Scale Mass Balance Model (BETR-Global)."Environmental Science & Technology
39 (2005) 6749-6756.
Price, Phillip N, Lev S Ruzer, and Naomi H Harley."Assessing uncertainties in the relationship between inhaled particle concentration, internal deposition and health effects, Chapter 9."Aerosols Handbook: Measurement, Dosimetry and Health Effects
(2005) 157-188.
McKone, Thomas E, and Ashok W Deshpande."Can Fuzzy Logic Bring Complex Problems into Focus?."Environmental Science and Technology
39 (2005) 42A-47A.
Macleod, Matthew, Thomas E McKone, Kathrin Fenner, Martin Scheringer, Michael Matthies, Maximilian Stroebe, Andreas Beyer, Mark Bonnell, Anne Christine Le Gall, Jörg Klasmeier, Donald Mackay, Dik van de Meent, David Pennington, Bernd Scharenberg, Noriyuki Suzuki, and Frank Wania."Comparing estimates of persistence and long-range transport potential among multimedia models."Environmental Science & Technology
39 (2005) 1932 -1942. DOI
Jayaraman, Buvaneswari, Elizabeth U Finlayson, Emily E Wood, Tracy L Thatcher, Phillip N Price, Richard G Sextro, and Ashok J Gadgil."Comparison between experiments and CFD predictions of mixed convection flows in an atrium."Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate
3(3) (2005) 2849-2853.