X Author: Sebastien C Biraud
Jeong, Seongeun, Marc L Fischer, Hanna Breunig, Alison R Marklein, Francesca M Hopkins, and Sebastien C Biraud."Artificial Intelligence Approach for Estimating Dairy Methane Emissions."Environmental Science & Technology
56.8 (2022) 4849 - 4858. DOI
Hu, Lei, Stephen A Montzka, John B Miller, Arlyn E Andrews, Scott J Lehman, Benjamin R Miller, Kirk Thoning, Colm Sweeney, Huilin Chen, David S Godwin, Kenneth A Masarie, Lori Bruhwiler, Marc L Fischer, Sebastien C Biraud, Margaret S Torn, Marikate Mountain, Thomas Nehrkorn, Janusz Eluszkiewicz, Scott Miller, Roland R Draxler, Ariel F Stein, Bradley D Hall, James W Elkins, and Pieter P Tans."U.S. emissions of HFC-134a derived for 2008–2012 from an extensive flask-air sampling network."Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
120.2 (2015) 801-825. DOI
Miller, Scot M, Steven C Wofsy, Anna M Michalak, Eric A Kort, Arlyn E Andrews, Sebastien C Biraud, Edward J Dlugokencky, Janusz Eluszkiewicz, Marc L Fischer, Greet Janssens-Maenhout, Benjamin R Miller, John B Miller, Stephen A Montzka, Thomas Nehrkorn, and Colm Sweeney."Anthropogenic emissions of methane in the United States."Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States
(2013). DOI
Fischer, Marc L, Margaret S Torn, David P Billesbach, Geoffrey Doyle, Brian Northup, and Sebastien C Biraud."Carbon, water, and heat flux responses to experimental burning and drought in a tallgrass prairie."Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
166-167 (2012) 169–174. DOI
McMillan, W. W Wallace, R. R Bradley Pierce, Lynn C Sparling, Gregory Osterman, Kevin McCann, Marc L Fischer, Bernhard Rappenglueck, Rob K Newsom, David D Turner, Chieko Kittaka, Keith Evans, Sebastien C Biraud, Barry Lefer, Arlyn E Andrews, and Samuel J Oltmans."An observational and modeling strategy to investigate the impact of remote sources on local air quality: A Houston, Texas, case study from the Second Texas Air Quality Study (TexAQS II)."Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
115.D1 (2010). DOI
Wunch, Debra, Geoffrey C Toon, Paul O Wennberg, Steven C Wofsy, Britton B Stephens, Marc L Fischer, Osamu Uchino, James B Abshire, Peter Bernath, and Sebastien C Biraud."A calibration of the total carbon column observing network using aircraft profile data."Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
3 (2010) 1351–1362.
Yurganov, Leonid, W. W Wallace McMillan, C Wilson, Marc L Fischer, Sebastien C Biraud, and Colm Sweeney."Carbon monoxide mixing ratios over Oklahoma between 2002 and 2009 retrieved from atmospheric emitted radiance Interferometer spectra."Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
3 (2010) 1319–1331. DOI
Riley, William J, Sebastien C Biraud, Margaret S Torn, Marc L Fischer, David P Billesbach, and Joseph A Berry."Regional CO2 and latent heat surface fluxes in the Southern Great Plains: Measurements, modeling, and scaling."Journal of Geophysical Research
114 (2009). DOI