Publications: EAEI Environmental Science & Technology
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Macleod, Matthew, Thomas E McKone, and Donald Mackay."A Mass Balance for Mercury in the San Francisco Bay Area."Environmental Science and Technology
39 (2006) 6721-6729.
Maddalena, Randy L, Matthew Macleod, Thomas E McKone, and Michael D Sohn."Prospective Hazard Assessment and Sensitivity Analysis for Buckminsterfullerene in the Environment."
Chan, Wanyu R, William W Nazaroff, Phillip N Price, Michael D Sohn, and Ashok J Gadgil."Analyzing a database of residential air leakage in the United States."Atmospheric Environment
39.19 (2005) 3445 - 3455. DOI
Novakov, Tihomir, Surabi Menon, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Dorothy M Koch, and James E Hansen."Aerosol organic carbon to black carbon ratios: Analysis of published data and implications for climate forcing."Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
110.D21 (2005). DOI
Magi, Brian I, Peter V Hobbs, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Tihomir Novakov, Dean A Hegg, Song Gao, Jens Redemann, and Beat Schmid."Aerosol properties and chemical apportionment of aerosol optical depth at locations off the US east coast in July and August 2001."Journal of Atmospheric Sciences - Special Issue
62 (2005) 919-933. DOI
Macleod, Matthew, William J Riley, and Thomas E McKone."Assessing the Influence of Climate Variability on Atmospheric Concentrations of Persistent Organic Pollutants Using a Global-Scale Mass Balance Model (BETR-Global)."Environmental Science & Technology
39 (2005) 6749-6756.
Macleod, Matthew, Thomas E McKone, Kathrin Fenner, Martin Scheringer, Michael Matthies, Maximilian Stroebe, Andreas Beyer, Mark Bonnell, Anne Christine Le Gall, Jörg Klasmeier, Donald Mackay, Dik van de Meent, David Pennington, Bernd Scharenberg, Noriyuki Suzuki, and Frank Wania."Comparing estimates of persistence and long-range transport potential among multimedia models."Environmental Science & Technology
39 (2005) 1932 -1942. DOI
Macleod, Matthew, and Thomas E McKone."Identifying POP-Like Behavior in Screening Assessments of Organic Chemicals."Environmental Science & Technology
40 (2005) 53-60.
Marshall, Julian D, Thomas E McKone, and William W Nazaroff."Inhalation of motor vehicle emissions: Effects of urban population and area."Atmospheric Environment
39 (2005) 283-295.
Macleod, Matthew, William J Riley, and Thomas E McKone."Modeling transport and deposition of level 1 substances to the great lakes."
Macleod, Matthew, Deborah H Bennett, Merike Perem, Randy L Maddalena, Thomas E McKone, and Donald Mackay."Dependence of Intake Fraction on Release Location in a Multimedia Framework - A Case Study of Four Contaminants in North America."Journal of Industrial Ecology
8.3 (2004) 89-102. DOI
Gundel, Lara A, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Michael Spears, and Douglas P Sullivan."Aircraft Cabin Environmental Quality Sensors."
Lobscheid, Agnes B, and Thomas E McKone."Constraining uncertainties about the sources and magnitude of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)levels in ambient air: the State of Minnesota as a case study."Atmospheric Environment
38 (2004) 5501-5515.
Fischer, Marc L."Development of an Implementation Plan for Atmospheric Carbon Monitoring in California."
Kirchstetter, Thomas W, Tihomir Novakov, and Peter V Hobbs."Evidence that the spectral dependence of light absorption by aerosols is affected by organic carbon."Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
109.D21 (2004). DOI
Sohn, Michael D, Thomas E McKone, and Jerry N Blancato."Reconstructing Population Exposures from Dose Biomarkers: Inhalation of Trichloroethylene (TCE) as a Case Study."Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology
14 (2004) 204-213. DOI
Maddalena, Randy L, Thomas E McKone, and Michael D Sohn."Standardized Approach for Developing Probabilistic Exposure Factor Distributions."Risk Analysis
24 (2004) 1185-1199.
Maddalena, Randy L, and Thomas E McKone."Is there a "forest filter effect" for organic pollutants?."Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
17.4 (2003) 231-234. DOI
McKone, Thomas E, and Deborah H Bennett."Chemical-specific representation of air-soil exchange and soil penetration in regional multimedia models."Environmental Science and Technology
37.14 (2003) 3123-3132. DOI
Kirchstetter, Thomas W, Tihomir Novakov, and Peter V Hobbs."Airborne measurements of carbonaceous aerosols in southern Africa during the dry, biomass burning season."Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres
(2003). DOI
Sinha, Parikhit, Peter V Hobbs, Robert J Yokelson, Isaac T Bertschi, Donald R Blake, Isobel J Simpson, Song Gao, Thomas W Kirchstetter, and Tihomir Novakov."Emissions of trace gases and particles from savanna fires in southern Africa."Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
108.D13 (2003). DOI
Hobbs, Peter V, Parikhit Sinha, Robert J Yokelson, Ted J Christian, Donald R Blake, Song Gao, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Tihomir Novakov, and Peter Pilewski."Evolution of gases and particles from a savanna fire in South Africa."Journal of Geophysical Research
108.D13 (2003). DOI
Marshall, Julian D, William J Riley, Thomas E McKone, and William W Nazaroff."Intake fraction of primary pollutants: Motor vehicle emissions in the South Coast Air Basin."Atmospheric Environment
37 (2003) 3455-3468.
Scheringer, Martin, and Thomas E McKone."Is there a "forest filter effect" for airborne organic pollutants? A SERRA journal forum."Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
17 (2003) 229-230.
Eatough, Delbert J, Norman L Eatough, Yanbo Pang, Samantha L Sizemore, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Tihomir Novakov, and Peter V Hobbs."Semivolatile particulate organic material in southern Africa during SAFARI 2000."Journal of Geophysical Research
108.D13 (2003). DOI