Publications: IEG Pollutant Sources & Exposures
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Ortiz, Anna C, Marion L Russell, Wen-Yee Lee, Michael G Apte, and Randy L Maddalena."Identifying Sources of Volatile Organic Compounds and Aldehydes in a High Performance Building."
(2010) 29.
Destaillats, Hugo, and William J Fisk."Investigation of IAQ-Relevant Surface Chemistry and Emissions on HVAC Filter Materials."
Parthasarathy, Srinandini, Michael Spears, Randy L Maddalena, Marion L Russell, and Michael G Apte."A Formaldehyde Exposure Assessment Tool for Occupants of FEMA Temporary Housing Units."
Willem, Henry, and Brett C Singer."Chemical Emissions of Residential Materials and Products: Review of Available Information."
Parthasarathy, Srinandini, Randy L Maddalena, Marion L Russell, and Michael G Apte."Field Derived Emission Factors For Formaldehyde and other Volatile Organic Compounds in FEMA Temporary Housing Units."
Sleiman, Mohamad, Lara A Gundel, James F Pankow, Peyton Jacob III, Brett C Singer, and Hugo Destaillats."Formation of carcinogens indoors by surface-mediated reactions of nicotine with nitrous acid, leading to potential thirdhand smoke hazards."Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS)
107.15 (2010) 6576-6581.
Sherman, Max H, Jennifer M Logue, and Brett C Singer."Infiltration Effects on Residential Pollutant Concentrations for Continuous and Intermittent Mechanical Ventilation Approaches."HVAC&R Research
17.2 (2010) 159. DOI
Kirchstetter, Thomas W, Chelsea V Preble, Odelle L Hadley, and Ashok J Gadgil."Quantification of Black Carbon and Other Pollutant Emissions from a Traditional and an Improved Cookstove."
Maddalena, Randy L, Marion L Russell, Moya Melody, and Michael G Apte."Small‐Chamber Measurements of Chemical‐Specific Emission Factors for Drywall."
Destaillats, Hugo, Wenhao Chen, Michael G Apte, Nuan Li, Michael Spears, Jérémie Almosni, Jianshun Zheng, and William J Fisk."Laboratory Measurement of Secondary Pollutant Yields from Ozone Reaction with HVAC Filters."Proceedings of the Healthy Buildings 2009 Conference
Destaillats, Hugo, Michael G Apte, and William J Fisk."Are ventilation filters degrading indoor air quality in California classrooms?."
Maddalena, Randy L, Marion L Russell, Douglas P Sullivan, and Michael G Apte."Formaldehyde and Other Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions in Four FEMA Temporary Housing Units."Environmental Science and Technology
43 (2009) 5626-5632.
Apte, Michael G, Deborah H Bennett, David Faulkner, Randy L Maddalena, Marion L Russell, Michael Spears, Douglas P Sullivan, and Amber L Trout."Indoor Air Quality Assessment of the San Francisco Federal Building."
Coleman, Beverly K, Melissa M Lunden, Hugo Destaillats, and William W Nazaroff."Secondary organic aerosol from ozone-initiated reactions with terpene-rich household products."Atmospheric Environment
42.35 (2008) 8234–8245. DOI
Schenker, Urs, Martin Scheringer, Michael D Sohn, Randy L Maddalena, Thomas E McKone, and Konrad Hungerbühler."Using Information on Uncertainty to Improve Environmental Fate Modeling: A Case Study on DDT."Environmental Science and Technology
43.1 (2008) 128-134.
Maddalena, Randy L, Hugo Destaillats, Marion L Russell, Alfred T Hodgson, and Thomas E McKone."Indoor pollutants emitted by electronic office equipment."Indoor Air 2008
Jakober, Chris A, Michael A Robert, Sarah G Riddle, Hugo Destaillats, M. M Judith Charles, Peter G Green, and Michael J Kleeman."Carbonyl Emissions from Gasoline and Diesel Motor Vehicles."Environmental Science and Technology
42.13 (2008) 4697-4703. DOI
Coleman, Beverly K, Hugo Destaillats, Alfred T Hodgson, and William W Nazaroff."Ozone consumption and byproduct formation from surface reaction with common materials in aircraft passenger cabins."Atmospheric Environment
42.4 (2008) 642-654. DOI
Destaillats, Hugo, Randy L Maddalena, Brett C Singer, Alfred T Hodgson, and Thomas E McKone."Indoor pollutants emitted by office equipment: A review of reported data and information needs."Atmospheric Environment
42 (2008) 1371-1388.
Maddalena, Randy L, and Thomas E McKone."Insecticide Exposures on Commercial Aircraft: A Literature Review and Screening Level Assessment."
Bhangar, Seema, Shannon Cowlin, Brett C Singer, Richard G Sextro, and William W Nazaroff."Ozone levels in passenger cabins of commercial aircraft on North American and transoceanic routes."Environmental Science and Technology
42.11 (2008) 3938-43. DOI
Kobayashi, Reiko, Robert A Okamoto, Randy L Maddalena, and Norman Y Kado."Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in edible grain: A pilot study of agricultural crops as a human exposure pathway for environmental contaminants using wheat as a model crop."Environmental Research
107 (2008) 145-151.
Destaillats, Hugo, Brett C Singer, and Lara A Gundel."Evidence of acid-base interactions between amines and model indoor surfaces by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy."Atmospheric Environment
41.15 (2007) 3177-3181. DOI
Jimenez, Jorge, Candis S Claiborn, Timothy Larson, Thomas W Kirchstetter, and Lara A Gundel."Filter loading corrections for real-time aethalometer measurements of fresh diesel soot. (2007)."Journal of Air and Waste Management Association
57.7 (2007) 868–873.
Jimenez, Jorge, Candis S Claiborn, Timothy Larson, Timothy Gould, Thomas W Kirchstetter, and Lara A Gundel."Loading Effect Correction for Real-Time Aethalometer Measurements of Fresh Diesel Soot."Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association
57.7 (2007) 868–873. DOI