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Harrison, Brendan P, Wilson H McNeil, Tao Dai, J Elliott Campbell, and Corinne D Scown."Site Suitability and Air Pollution Impacts of Composting Infrastructure for California’s Organic Waste Diversion Law."Environmental Science & Technology
58.45 (2024) 19913-19924. DOI
Black, Douglas R, Nadia Panossian, Jingjing Liu, Bruce Nordman, John Farrell, Cabell Hodge, Andrew Meintz, Muhammad Abdullah, Mithat John Kisacikoglu, Jesse Bennett, Rongxin Yin, Shreya Agarwal, and Thomas W Kirchstetter."Survey and gap prioritization of U.S. electric vehicle charge management deployments."
Hennessy, Eleanor M, Corinne D Scown, and Inês M.L Azevedo."The health, climate, and equity benefits of freight truck electrification in the United States."Environmental Research Letters
19.10 (2024) 104069. DOI
Scown, Corinne D."The short- and long-run environmental value of waste conversion."Nature Chemical Engineering
1.5 (2024) 326-326. DOI
Kane, Seth, Ahmad Bin Thaneya, Aysegul Petek Gursel, Jin Fan, Baishakhi Bose, Thomas P Hendrickson, Sarah L Nordahl, Corinne D Scown, Sabbie A Miller, and Arpad Horvath."Uncertainty in determining carbon dioxide removal potential of biochar."Environmental Research Letters
(2024). DOI
Coalition, UNEP Cool, and Nihar Shah."Keeping it chill: How to meet cooling demand, while cutting emissions."
(2023). DOI
Jin, Ling, Xiaodan Xu, Yuhan Wang, Kaveh Farokhi Sadabadi, Alina Lazar, Duleep Rathgamage Don, Zachary Needell, C Anna Spurlock, Mahyar Amirgholy, and Mona Asudegi."Leveraging Probe Data and Machine Learning to Derive and Interpret Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams Across U.S. Cities."2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData)
(2023). DOI
Wei, Max, Catherine Foster, Tia Tyler, Julie Kim, Ryan Bodanyi, Kaiyu Sun, Henry Willem, Patricia Kusumah, Lino Sanchez, Sang Hoon Lee, Miguel Heleno, Tianzhen Hong, Daniel Dominguez, and Darren Kumar."An Action Plan for Greater Climate Equity for Disadvantaged Communities in Fresno."
Hasanbeigi, Ali, Cecilia Springer, Jibran Zuberi, Hongyou Lu, and Nan Zhou."Electrifying Industrial Heating in China."
Wei, Max, Kaiyu Sun, Henry Willem, Patricia Kusumah, Lino Sanchez, Sang Hoon Lee, Miguel Heleno, and Tianzhen Hong."Final Project Report: Building Healthier and More Energy-Efficient Communities in Fresno and the Central Valley."
vargo, emma, Le Ma, He Li, Qingteng Zhang, Junpyo Kwon, Katherine M Evans, Xiaochen Tang, Victoria L Tovmasyan, Jasmine Jan, Ana C Arias, Hugo Destaillats, Ivan Kuzmenko, Jan Ilavsky, Wei-Ren Chen, William Heller, Robert O Ritchie, Yi Liu, and Ting Xu."Functional composites by programming entropy-driven nanosheet growth."Nature
623 (2023). DOI
Sartor, Dale A, Bo Shen, and Arman Shehabi."Repurposing coal assets for a decarbonized digital economy."
Maasakkers, Joannes D, Erine E McDuffie, Melissa P Sulprizio, Candice Chen, Maggie Schultz, Lily Brunelle, Ryan Thrush, John Steller, Christopher Sherry, Daniel J Jacob, Seongeun Jeong, Bill Irving, and Melissa Weitz."A Gridded Inventory of Annual 2012–2018 U.S. Anthropogenic Methane Emissions."Environmental Science & Technology
57.43 (2023) 16276 - 16288. DOI
Dreyfus, Gabrielle, Max Wei, Nihar Shah, and Kristen Taddonio."Ambitious Replenishment of the Multilateral Fund for Implementation of the Montreal Protocol Delivers High Impact Climate Benefits at Low Cost."
Park, Won Young, Nihan Karali, Peng Peng, Sunhee Baik, Nihar Shah, Brian Holuj, and Marco Duran."Model Quality and Performance Guidelines for Off-Grid Refrigerating Appliances."
Wei, Max, Chao Ding, Nihar Shah, Brian Holuj, and Marco Duran."Model Regulation Guidelines for Energy-Efficient Ceiling Fans."
Covary, Theo, and Stephane de la Rue du Can."SOUTH AFRICA: ENERGY EFFICIENCY DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE (2004–2022)."
Wei, Max, and Nihar Shah."Costs and benefits of improving cooling equipment efficiency including a novel improvement-linked incentive approach: Quantifying the opportunity for combining aggressive energy efficiency with Montreal Protocol refrigerant transition."
Bavaresco, Mateus Vinicius, Rayner Mauricioe Machado, Amanda Krelling, Won Young Park, Ana Paula Melo, and Roberto Lamberts."Using Building Performance Simulation to Enhance Energy Efficiency Evaluations of Room Air Conditioners."Proceedings of Building Simulation 2023: 18th Conference of IBPSA
(2023). DOI
Laarabi, Haitam, Zachary Needell, Rashid Waraich, Cristian Poliziani, and Thomas P Wenzel."BEAM: The Modeling Framework for Behavior, Energy, Autonomy & Mobility - The Open-Source Agent-Based Regional Transportation Model Unpacked: Concepts, Mechanisms, and Inner Dynamics."
Wei, Max, Catherine Foster, Tia Tyler, Julia Kim, and Ryan Bodanyi."An Action Plan for Greater Climate Equity for Disadvantaged Communities in Fresno."
Peng, Peng, Ji Su, and Hanna Breunig."Benchmarking plasma and electrolysis decomposition technologies for ammonia to power generation."Energy Conversion and Management
288 (2023) 117166. DOI
Demarteau, Jérémy, Benjamin Cousineau, Zilong Wang, Baishakhi Bose, Seokjung Cheong, Guangxu Lan, Nawa Raj Baral, Simon J Teat, Corinne D Scown, Jay D Keasling, and Brett A Helms."Biorenewable and circular polydiketoenamine plastics."Nature Sustainability
(2023). DOI
Moraski, Jill W, Natalie Popovich, and Amol A Phadke."Leveraging rail-based mobile energy storage to increase grid reliability in the face of climate uncertainty."Nature Energy
8.7 (2023) 736 - 746. DOI