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Qian, Hua, and Yungang Wang."Application Analysis of Ground Source Heat Pumps in Building Space Conditioning."Energy for Sustainable Development
Wei, Max, James H Nelson, Jeffery B Greenblatt, Ana Mileva, Josiah Johnston, Michael K Ting, Christopher Yang, Christopher M Jones, James E McMahon, and Daniel M Kammen."Deep carbon reductions in California require electrification and integration across economic sectors."Environmental Research Letters
8.1 (2013). DOI
Donovan, Sally M, Louis-Benoit Desroches, Mia Forbes Pirie, and Jeffery B Greenblatt."Determination of Accurate Television Usage Profiles: A U.S. case study."Energy Efficiency
(2013). DOI
Walker, Iain S, Darryl J Dickerhoff, David Faulkner, and William J. N Turner."Energy Implications of In-‐Line Filtration in California."
Greenblatt, Jeffery B, Asa S Hopkins, Virginie E Letschert, and Michael Blasnik."Energy use of U.S. residential refrigerators and freezers: function derivation based on household and climate characteristics."Energy Efficiency
6.1 (2013) 135-162. DOI
Payne, Christopher T, Andrew R Weber, and Abby Semple."Energy-efficient Public Procurement Best Practice in Program Delivery SEAD Initiative Procurement Working Group."
Black, Douglas R, Steven Lanzisera, Judy Lai, Richard E Brown, and Brett C Singer."Evaluation of Miscellaneous and Electronic Device Energy Use in Hospitals."World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development
10.1/2/3 (2013) 113-128. DOI
Dutton, Spencer M, Wanyu R Chan, Mark J Mendell, Marcella Barrios, Srinandini Parthasarathy, Meera A Sidheswaran, Douglas P Sullivan, Ekaterina Eliseeva, and William J Fisk."Evaluation of the Indoor Air Quality Procedure for Use in Retail Buildings."
Greenblatt, Jeffery B, Stacy Pratt, Henry Willem, Erin S Claybaugh, Louis-Benoit Desroches, Bereket Beraki, Mythri Nagaraju, Sarah K Price, and Scott J Young."Field data collection of miscellaneous electrical loads in Northern California: Initial results, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory."
Wang, Yungang, Michael D Sohn, Ashok J Gadgil, Yilun Wang, Kathleen M Lask, and Thomas W Kirchstetter."How many replicate tests do I need? – Variability of cookstove performance and emissions has implications for obtaining useful results ."
Maddalena, Randy L, Amanda Parra, Marion L Russell, and Wen-Yee Lee."Measurement of Passive Uptake Rates for Volatile Organic Compounds on Commercial Thermal Desorption Tubes and the Effect of Ozone on Sampling."
Dutton, Spencer M, David W Banks, Samuel L Brunswick, and William J Fisk."Natural Ventilation in California Offices: Estimated Health Effects and Economic Consequences."ASHRAE IAQ 2013: Environmental Health in Low Energy Buildings, Oct. 15-18
Sidheswaran, Meera A, Sebastian Cohn, Douglas P Sullivan, and Lara A Gundel."Performance Evaluation of Real Time Formaldehyde Monitors: PTR-MS and Interscan 4160-500B Portable Monitor."
Angevine, Wayne M, Jerome Brioude, Stuart A McKeen, John S Holloway, Brian M Lerner, Allen H Goldstein, Abhinav Guha, Arlyn E Andrews, John B Nowak, Stephanie Evan, Marc L Fischer, Jessica B Gilman, and Daniel Bon."Pollutant transport among California regions."Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
118.12 (2013) 6750–6763. DOI
Zazueta, Ana Luisa Loo, Hugo Destaillats, and Gianluca Li Puma."Radiation field modeling and optimization of a compact and modular multi-plate photocatalytic reactor (MPPR) for air/water purification by Monte Carlo method."Chemical Engineering Journal
217 (2013) 475-485. DOI
Schick, Suzaynn F, Kathryn F Farraro, Charles Perrino, Mohamad Sleiman, Glenn van de Vossenberg, Michael P Trinh, S. S Katharine Hammond, Bryan M Jenkins, and John Balmes."Thirdhand cigarette smoke in an experimental chamber: evidence of surface deposition of nicotine, nitrosamines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and de novo formation of NNK."Tobacco Control
(2013). DOI
Greenblatt, Jeffery B, Hung-Chia Yang, Louis-Benoit Desroches, Scott J Young, Bereket Beraki, Sarah K Price, Stacy Pratt, Henry Willem, and Sally M Donovan."U.S. residential consumer product information: Validation of methods for post-stratification weighting of Amazon Mechanical Turk surveys."
Greenblatt, Jeffery B, Scott J Young, Hung-Chia Yang, T Long, Bereket Beraki, Sarah K Price, Stacy Pratt, Henry Willem, Louis-Benoit Desroches, and Sally M Donovan."U.S. Residential Miscellaneous Refrigeration Products: Results from Amazon Mechanical Turk Surveys."
Sherman, Max H, Iain S Walker, and Melissa M Lunden."Uncertainties in Air Exchange using Continuous-Injection, Long-Term Sampling Tracer-Gas Methods."
Willem, Henry, Erin L Hult, Toshifumi Hotchi, Marion L Russell, Randy L Maddalena, and Brett C Singer."Ventilation Control of Volatile Organic Compounds in New U.S. Homes: Results of a Controlled Field Study in Nine Residential Units."
Newman, Sally, Seongeun Jeong, Marc L Fischer, Xiaomei Xu, Christine L Haman, Barry Lefer, Sergio Alvarez, Bernhard Rappenglueck, Eric A Kort, Arlyn E Andrews, Jeffrey Peischl, Kevin R Gurney, Charles E Miller, and Yuk L Yung."Diurnal tracking of anthropogenic CO2 emissions in the Los Angeles basin megacity during spring 2010."Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
13.8 (2012) 4359-4372. DOI
Turner, William J. N, and Iain S Walker."Advanced Controls and Sustainable Systems for Residential Ventilation."
Peischl, Jeffrey, Thomas B Ryerson, John S Holloway, Michael K Trainer, Arlyn E Andrews, Elliot L Atlas, Donald R Blake, Bruce C Daube, Edward J Dlugokencky, Marc L Fischer, Allen H Goldstein, Abhinav Guha, Thomas R Karl, Jonathan D Kofler, Edward Kosciuch, Pawel K Misztal, Anne E Perring, Ilana B Pollack, Gregory W Santoni, Joshua P Schwarz, J. J Ryan Spackman, Steven C Wofsy, and David D Parrish."Airborne observations of methane emissions from rice cultivation in the Sacramento Valley of California."Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
117.D24 (2012). DOI
Fischer, Marc L, Margaret S Torn, David P Billesbach, Geoffrey Doyle, Brian Northup, and Sebastien C Biraud."Carbon, water, and heat flux responses to experimental burning and drought in a tallgrass prairie."Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
166-167 (2012) 169–174. DOI