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Fisk, William J, Mark J Mendell, Molly Davies, Ekaterina Eliseeva, David Faulkner, Tianzhen Hong, and Douglas P Sullivan."Demand Controlled Ventilation and Classroom Ventilation."
Mathieu, Johanna L."Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Demand Response Resources."Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in (2012).
White, Richard M, Igor Paprotny, Frederick Doering, Wayne E Cascio, Paul A Solomon, and Lara A Gundel."Sensors and ‘apps’ for community-based atmospheric monitoring."EM: The Magazine for Environmental Managers
May (2012) 36-40.
Kibanova, Daria, Mohamad Sleiman, Javiera Cervini-Silva, and Hugo Destaillats."Adsorption and photocatalytic oxidation of formaldehyde on a clay-TiO2 composite."Journal of Hazardous Materials
212-212 (2012) 233-239. DOI
Shehabi, Arman, Jennifer Stokes-Draut, and Arpad Horvath."Energy and Air Emission Implications of a Decentralized Wastewater System."Environmental Research Letters
7.2 (2012). DOI
Wenzel, Thomas P."Analysis of Casualty Risk per Police-Reported Crash for Model Year 2000 to 2004 Vehicles, using Crash Data from Five States."
Stratton, J Chris, and Iain S Walker."Health and Safety Guide for Home Performance Contractors."
Fisk, William J, Douglas R Black, and Gregory Brunner."Changing Ventilation Rates in U.S. Offices: Implications for Health, Work Performance, Energy, and Associated Economics."Building and Environment
47 (2012) 368-372. DOI
Shearer, Sharon M, Robert A Harley, Ling Jin, and Nancy J Brown."Comparison of SAPRC99 and SAPRC07 mechanisms in photochemical modeling for central California."Atmospheric Environment
46 (2012) 205 - 216. DOI
Sidheswaran, Meera A, Hugo Destaillats, Douglas P Sullivan, Sebastian Cohn, and William J Fisk."Energy efficient indoor VOC air cleaning with activated carbon fiber (ACF) filters."Building and Environment
47 (2012) 368-372. DOI
Holder, Amara L, Brietta J Carter, Regine Goth-Goldstein, Donald Lucas, and Catherine P Koshland."Increased Cytotoxicity of Oxidized Flame Soot."Atmospheric Pollution Research
3.1 (2012) 25-31. DOI
Scown, Corinne D, William W Nazaroff, Umakant Mishra, Bret Strogen, Agnes B Lobscheid, Eric R Masanet, Nicholas J Santero, Arpad Horvath, and Thomas E McKone."Lifecycle greenhouse gas implications of US national scenarios for cellulosic ethanol production."Environmental Research Letters
7.1 (2012) 014011. DOI
Brunswick, Samuel L, Spencer M Dutton, David W Banks, K Adams, and Philip Haves."A Framework for Estimating the Technical Potential of Natural Ventilation Renovations of Existing Commercial Buildings in California."SimBuild 2012, 5th National Conference of IBPSA-USA, August 1-3, 2012
Sudderth, Erika A, Samuel B St. Clair, Sarah A Placella, Stéphanie M Swarbreck, Cristina Castanha, Donald J Herman, Marc L Fischer, Markus Kleber, Erik B Sudderth, Margaret S Torn, Mary K Firestone, Gary L Andersen, and David D Ackerly."Annual grassland resource pools and fluxes: sensitivity to precipitation and dry periods on two contrasting soils."Ecosphere
3.8 (2012). DOI
Hadley, Odelle L, and Thomas W Kirchstetter."Black carbon snow albedo reduction."Nature Climate Change
2 (2012) 437-440. DOI
Greenblatt, Jeffery B, Jane C.S Long, and B Hannegan."California's Energy Future: Electricity from Renewable Energy and Fossil Fuels with Carbon Capture and Sequestration."
Wei, Max, James H Nelson, Michael K Ting, and Christopher Yang."California’s Carbon Challenge: Scenarios for Achieving 80% Emissions Reduction in 2050."
Hu, Tianchao, Brett C Singer, and Jennifer M Logue."Compilation of Published PM2.5 Emission Rates for Cooking, Candles and Incense for Use in Modeling of Exposures in Residences."
Kirchstetter, Thomas W, and Tracy L Thatcher."Contribution of organic carbon to wood smoke particulate matter absorption of solar radiation."Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
12.14 (2012) 6067-6072. DOI
Walker, Iain S, Max H Sherman, and Darryl J Dickerhoff."Development of a Residential Integrated Ventilation Controller."
Wang, Yungang, Ashok J Gadgil, and Thomas W Kirchstetter."Effect of Change in Cookstove Types on Visibility - Case Study of the Berkeley-Darfur Stove and Three-Stone Fire."
Booker, Kayje, Ashok J Gadgil, and David Winickoff."Engineering for the Global Poor: The Role of Intellectual Property."Science and Public Policy
39.6 (2012) 775-786. DOI
Chan, Wanyu R, Meera A Sidheswaran, Douglas P Sullivan, Sebastian Cohn, and William J Fisk."Healthy Zero Energy Buildings (HZEB) Program– Interim Report on Cross‐Sectional Study of Contaminant Levels, Source Strengths, and Ventilation Rates in Retail Stores."
Mullen, Nasim A, Jina Li, and Brett C Singer."Impact of Natural Gas Appliances on Pollutant Levels in California Homes."
Destaillats, Hugo, Mohamad Sleiman, Douglas P Sullivan, Catherine Jacquiod, Jean Sablayrolles, and Laurent Molins."Key parameters influencing the performance of photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) air purification under realistic indoor conditions."Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
128 (2012) 159-170. DOI