Publications: EAEI Technoeconomic & Life-Cycle Modeling
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Macleod, Matthew, Thomas E McKone, Karen L Foster, Randy L Maddalena, Thomas F Parkerton, and Donald Mackay."Applications of contaminant fate and bioaccumulation models in assessing ecological risks of chemicals: A case study for gasoline hydrocarbons."Environmental Science & Technology
38.23 (2004) 6225 -6233. DOI
Sohn, Michael D, Thomas E McKone, and Jerry N Blancato."Reconstructing Population Exposures from Dose Biomarkers: Inhalation of Trichloroethylene (TCE) as a Case Study."Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology
14 (2004) 204-213. DOI
Maddalena, Randy L, Thomas E McKone, and Michael D Sohn."Standardized Approach for Developing Probabilistic Exposure Factor Distributions."Risk Analysis
24 (2004) 1185-1199.
Castorina, Rosemary, Asa Bradman, and Thomas E McKone."Assessing cumulative organophosphate pesticide exposure and risk among pregnant women living in an agricultural community."Environmental Health Perspectives
111 (2002) 1640-1648.
Bennett, Deborah H, Thomas E McKone, John S Evans, William W Nazaroff, Manuele D Margni, Olivier Jolliet, and Kirk R Smith."Defining intake fraction."Environmental Science & Technology
36 (2002) 207A-211A.
Bennett, Deborah H, Manuele D Margni, Thomas E McKone, and Olivier Jolliet."Intake Fraction for Multimedia Pollutants: A Tool for Life Cycle Analysis and Comparative Risk Assessment."Risk Analysis
22 (2002) 903-916.
Maddalena, Randy L, Thomas E McKone, Dennis P.H Hsieh, and Shu Geng."Influential input classification in probabilistic multimedia models."Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
15.1 (2001) 1-17. DOI
McKone, Thomas E, and Edgar G Hertwich."The Human Toxicity Potential and a Strategy for Evaluating Model Performance in Life-Cycle Impact Assessment."International Journal of Life-Cycle Assessment
6.2 (2001) 106-109. DOI
McKone, Thomas E, Agnes Bodnar, and Edgar G Hertwich."Development and evaluation of state-specific landscape data sets for multimedia source-to-dose models."
Sohn, Michael D, Thomas E McKone, Mark L Rigas, Jerry N Blancato, and Frederick W Power."Reconstructing exposure scenarios using dose biomarkers: An application of Bayesian uncertainty analysis."
Hopke, Philip K, Thomas B Borak, John Doull, James E Cleaver, Keith F Eckerman, Linda C.S Gundersen, Naomi H Harley, C. C Thomas Hess, Nancy E Kinner, Kenneth J Kopecky, Thomas E McKone, Richard G Sextro, and Steven L Simon."Health Risks Due to Radon in Drinking Water."Environmental Science & Technology
34.6 (2000) 921-926. DOI
Bennett, Deborah H, Thomas E McKone, and William E Kastenberg."Evaluating multimedia chemical persistence in a multimedia environment: A CART analysis."Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
19 (2000) 810-819.
van de Meent, Dik, Thomas E McKone, Thomas F Parkerton, Michael Matthies, Martin Scheringer, Frank Wania, Rich Purdy, Deborah H Bennett, Gary M Klečka, Robert S Boethling, Diana Graham, Les Grady Jr, James G.M Franklin, Philip H Howard, Kurunthachalam Kannan, Robert J Larson, Donald Mackay, and Derek Muir."Persistence and Transport Potential of Chemicals In A Multimedia Environment."Persistence and Long-Range Transport of Organic Chemicals in the Environment:Guidelines and Criteria for Evaluation and Assessment
Hertwich, Edgar G, Thomas E McKone, and William S Pease."Parameter uncertainty and variability in evaluative fate and exposure models."Risk Analysis
19.6 (1999) 1193-1204. DOI
McKone, Thomas E."The rise of exposure assessment among the risk sciences: an evaluation through case studies."Inhalation Toxicology
11.6-7 (1999) 101-112. DOI
Bennett, Deborah H, William E Kastenberg, and Thomas E McKone."A multimedia, multiple pathway exposure assessment of atrazine: the impact of age differentiated exposure including joint uncertainty and variability."Reliability Engineering and System Safety
63.2 (1999) 185-198.
Maddalena, Randy L, Thomas E McKone, Agnes Bodnar, and Janet Jacobson."Development and Evaluation of Probability Density Functions for a Set of Human Exposure Factors."
Bennett, Deborah H, A L James, Thomas E McKone, and Curtis M Oldenburg."On uncertainty in remediation analysis: variance propagation for subsurface transport to exposure modeling."Reliability Engineering and System Safety
62.1-2 (1998) 117-129. DOI
McKone, Thomas E, and Agnes Bodnar."Improved Landfill Simulations Based on the CalTOX Framework."
McKone, Thomas E, and Randy L Maddalena."Soil Contamination and Human Exposure: A Comprehensive Assessment Framework."International Journal of Toxicology
16 (1997) 319-337.
Dowdy, Deanna L, Thomas E McKone, and Dennis P.H Hsieh."The Use of the Molecular Connectivity Index for Estimating Biotransfer Factors."Environmental Science & Technology
30.3 (1996) 984-989. DOI
McKone, Thomas E."Overview of the risk analysis approach and terminology: The merging of science, judgment, and values."Food Control
7.2 (1996) 69-76. DOI